Do missionary work and faith go hand in hand?
Is there a current genetic study related to Jewish aspies, or of Jewish people with aspergers and or autisim to help determine if it is genetic or not?
What are the basic Judaism beliefs?
What is a Maharat?
What is my recourse when a rebate fulfillment center fails to send a rebate and ignores email and calls?
What is the deity of Judaism?
Why do most sects determine Jewishness matrilineally?
name religion
Question by ftrsdm (2)
It probably wasn't called Judaism before the tribe of Judah existed.
Answer by user123 (50)
The Jewish faith came to be when God made a covenant with Abraham that God would be Abraham's God, and Abraham's family would be God's people.
Answer by mannersandsuch (1796)
Judaism come about when God choose Abraham's decedents to be his people. The point in witch they were called jews portly came about slowly.
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That is excellent information, but how, when, and why did the name for the religion come into use? add a comment