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Question by  gatorguy146 (24)

How should I take care of an injury to my sternum?


Answer by  emhaskey (685)

Firstly, ensure there is no cardiac injury. If there isn't cardiac damage, limit movement and treat the pain. In some cases, surgery is required.


Answer by  Napasaurus (243)

After consulting a physician in order to rule out any serious complications you should simply take a few days off and try to avoid strenuous activities as much as possible.


Answer by  Napasaurus (243)

Any injury to the sternum should first be assessed by a licensed medical professional. If the injury is not overly serious simply go with the good old fashioned method of taking a few days down time, taking any pain medication as required and as directed and simply give your body time to heal.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Follow doctors orders to the mark do not do anything the doctor doesn't say is ok get all the rest you possibly can an injury like that can go bad real quick if you do not listen to your attending physician. If you rest often the amount of pain will lessen dramatically as well.


Answer by  jeevibalu (10)

An injury of the sternum is rare but it can happen in an accident. To take care of the sternum protect it with a soft pillow over the injured part while coughing or sneezing. Also learn breathing exercises to help avoid breathing discomforts.

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