health procedures


Question by  stef (26)

How should I start exercising again after a c-section?


Answer by  Meg (224)

After a c-section, wait for your doctor's approval before beginning any exercising. Start slow by taking walks. It's a great way to work out and be with your baby. Then, try yoga and pilates. Both are great ways to get the blood flowing again.


Answer by  fiona85 (22)

Upper body exercises are great to get the heart rate up. Gentle stretching exercises including yoga can also help. Other low impact exercise like walking can also be a great help too.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

You should wait to resume exercise until cleared by your physician and then start with very mild full body exercises such as walking, stretching, or yoga.


Answer by  carlos89 (24)

You should start slowly usually a week after C-section. You can gradually build up the intensity of your exercise for example from slow walking, brisk walking then slow jogging. Be careful not to exert much pressure on your abdomen. Usually heavy exercise such as heavy lifting will not be advised.


Answer by  mrsmyers (474)

I would not start excercising until after the stitches are out and you feel up to par first of all. Then when you feel good start but walking or jogging, put the baby in the stroller and go for a nice walk to help you get started.


Answer by  dedre (998)

After the woman has healed from a c-section, walking is one of the first exercies to begin when going into a regular exercise regimen. Walking will help strengthen the muscles in the stomach that loss so much during pregnancy and the procedure itself. Walking will also help the legs and surrounding areas.


Answer by  becki (229)

It would be best to take it easy for about 6-8 weeks afterward, then start exercising gradually. The best way to start would be walking if it is nice outside. Walking is less strenuous on you then other activity. Try walking about 20-30 minutes at a time, then you can work up to aerobics and weights.


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

Start exercising lightly dont go full out because your body needs to get back into the swing of things. Ask your doc if he can clear u to do workouts.

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