how to


Question by  SSivaSubramanian (26)

How should I got about requesting online bill deferment?


Answer by  patti (29325)

If a creditor offers "deferment," the process will be detailed at the creditor's website. The only deferments commonly offered are for student loans, and only under specific circumstances. Call the creditor to ask what options are available. Some banks may allow a car payment, for example, to be delayed once a year, but generally "deferment" is not a consumer option.


Answer by  patti (29325)

The creditor must first have a website and second, have a deferment option, and third, have the option included on the website. If these three things are not clear, contact the creditor for details on other options for filing a deferment. Not all creditors offer deferment; in fact, few do.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

Not all debt offers a deferment option. Before you can request bill deferment, make sure the option is available to you and under what conditions and terms. Determine that the deferment then can be requested oneline with the appropriate forms accessed at a specific website. Call the lender's customer service desk to be sure.


Answer by  mlucas (515)

Most companies do not allow for online bill deferment. This process has to usually be begun by phone call. Most companies have a process in place for this. They will probably want documentation of your hardship. If you are referring to student loans this can be started online with a request for forbearance or deferment.


Answer by  UniqTwin (12)

The best action to take is to call your creditor(s) and ask if there are any hardship programs available to you. Be prepared to discuss your current financial situation and the reason why you need to delay paying your bill. It is important for you to communicate that it is your full intention to repay the debt.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well when you receive your bill, which you already have, then you have to contact the customer service department and refuse to pay the bill accordingly. Tell them they have messed up your bill and you would like to be compensated or that you would like a full refund accordingly.


Answer by  gracey6423 (58)

First get the web address of company in which requesting bill deferment. Go to the web address and set up an account. Follow instructions.


Answer by  Rajesh (329)

If the materials supplied has been wrongly given or otherwise the bill for the delivered materials has been misused by some other person and if the bill has been payed through online then the bill can be requested for online bill deferment by the company by which it is supplying materials for further fake of money.

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