

Question by  cstkimberlyvarela (16)

How should I go about changing the headlights in my VW Beetle?


Answer by  tweety (266)

VOLKSWAGEN did a few changes in the Beetle after 2006 in their headlamps, so please double-check the ratings and types before you buy a new set of headlights for the Beetle.


Answer by  boonjax (205)

If you peer carefully at the headlamps you will find the specifications of the headlamps needed printed at the base of the holder. Check if they are H1, H4 or H7 and what the wattage is (60 or 100 watts). Any VW dealer or service station will have this info.

Reply by cmc94 (302):
I think VW Beetles have 12V and 55 H1 Watt bulbs. if you're looking for brighter lights with the same rating use Osram Nigh Breakers - they are pretty inexpensive and are definitely whiter and brighter.  add a comment

Answer by  rejoice (216)

Read the service manual for the pics and ho-to process. I think you can access the headlamp assembly once you pop the hood and simply pull, replace and click back. NEVER forget to check the alignment by parking on a flat surface and shining the headlamp on a wall.


Answer by  chris70 (301)

I would suggest changing the headlights on a VW Beetle by going to a type of store like Auto Zone or Midas. Normally they will sell you the headlight and change it for you.

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