

Question by  foodie (30)

How should I feed and halter show horses?


Answer by  Divalicious (99)

I don't wanna tell you what i do and have it be the wrong suggestion. If your horse needs a little bit of weight put on then you need a higher fat food along with a good conditioning program. Sorry :-(

Reply by BrianC2 (117):
Good suggestion would have been to buy Winning at Halter by Denny Hassett. It is an excellent resource for everything from feeding, exercising and conditioning to the actual showing and judging!  add a comment

Answer by  VintageGlory (93)

I go with Legends Performance which has pelleted rice bran in it. If you can afford a high quality alfalfa hay you should have plenty available. If not add some alfalfa cubes to the hay. The Legends will save you having to add supplements to regular feed. It works good.


Answer by  RoyalT (116)

The best recommendation I read is that you should feed either Amplify or Focus WT to your halter show horse. Add in some corn oil and an egg if your horse needs to put on a little bit of healthy weight.

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