


Question by  Bob12 (20)

How should I do a landscape rock removal project?


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

You have 2 options. Remove the rocks yourself or hire a rock removal company or landscaper to do the work for you.


Answer by  mb (5482)

To do rock removal pry out the rocks one by one and hual away. Even and grade the dirt when finished and reseed with grass.


Answer by  worker2614 (137)

Begin by drawing a design of what the finished product should look like if you are not using a landscape artist. Stick to the design and remove as many rocks as you can by yourself. Call a landscape company to remove any rocks too large to remove yourself so you don't get an injury.


Answer by  GEETZ (388)

the best way is if it is small take a shovel and a cart and remove it. if the rock is big tie it the rope and tie the other end to the back of your car and pull.. if it budges fine if not then you need a crane to get it removed

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