health conditions


Question by  MetAtLiveEvent (21)

How serious is an LBBB, Left Branch Bundle Block, diagnosis?

I have been diagnosed with this and need to know more about it.


Answer by  docryan (84)

Left branch bundle blocks can go either way. Sometimes they would need treatment because it's a warning sign of an underlying heart disease issue. Other times it's an indicator for other not as serious conditions.


Answer by  soothsayer (500)

It can be of concern if there is some other associated cardiac problem like left ventricular dysfunction but on its own it shouldn't cause much harm.


Answer by  eilrol (1431)

There is a blockage in the left ventricle which is a vital part of the heart. What can cause LBBB is coronary artery disease, & valve disease. All heart disease.


Answer by  tbird16 (153)

If this is the only abnormality seen on your EKG then it is usually not very serious. This just means that there is a delay in the left ventricular contractility. If there are other abnormalities as well, this usually indicates something more severe.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If you have been diagnosed with something you are unfamiliar with then you need to call your doctors office and schedule consult they will explain it to you.


Answer by  Vanasatchy (816)

Left Branch Bundle Block is something related to one heart problem. No need to worry it will be just a blockage in the heart. It should be diagnosied and proper treatment should be taken. Avoid salt in the food. Do not take fatty food. Try not to put on weight. No doing hard work

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