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Question by  AnthroBoss (122)

How secure is a broadband phone service?

For example, can my conversations be recorded etc?


Answer by  lakeplateau (18)

Broadband phone service is not as secure as a land-line connection. While it has a layer of security, it can be more easily defeated than a traditional phone. With the proper equipment, someone could see your data without much work.


Answer by  MRspooky (113)

As with any internet connection Mobile broadband in vulnerable to hacking. There's really no way to guarantee that your information is 100 percent safe.


Answer by  murugan117 (22)

Broadband phone service has unique features comparing to other phone services, starting from basic text and voice messaging , caller id functions and even call recording facilities and highly secure


Answer by  ewam (403)

No one can legally listen to anyone's phone calls. But, recently it's been known that if the government can record any call due to suspicion.

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