

Question by  machouno (26)

How much will walking help me lose weight?


Answer by  andaman (240)

Each mile you walk burns about 100 calories, and a pound of fat is 3500 calories. If you ate as many calories as you normally burn, you would have to walk 35 miles to lose a pound; so you should couple your walking habit with a reasonable-calorie diet.


Answer by  jackie (276)

Walking can be a great way to ease into a weight-loss program. If you walk at least half an hour a day, covering at least a mile every 15 minutes -- and you eat properly -- you can lose a pound or two a week. But you must walk fast enough to raise your heartbeat.


Answer by  John (9008)

Exercise is vital weight loss. Walking can serve as an exercise, and help with weight loss, but it is only part of the picture. A healthy diet is also important.


Answer by  Benim (18)

Walking is of course a good way to help you. But don't forget that you need also to eat appropriate food to have good results.


Answer by  tasman (2)

i am a 44 yo male 116kg i walk every day in conjuction with skipping and inclind push ups in hour hour i do 100 push ups and skip as long as i can every ten min i do this 6 days a week is that enough to loose weight

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