

Question by  redsol1 (35)

How much should I breast pump in 24 hours?


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

How much you breast pump depends on how long that you have been doing it and how often you pump. If your baby has just been born then you need to breast pump at least every 2 hours and feed your baby every 2 hours then go to 3 hours and so on.


Answer by  jessyjuan (290)

The same number of times you would feed your baby, especially if you are solely breastfeeding. You want to make sure to keep your supply going. Therefore, if your baby is feeding every 2-3 hours your schedule should be the same.


Answer by  okcmouseketeer (779)

This will vary depending on the consumption of your child. Some children will only drink a few ounces every few hours, while other infants will drink six to eight ounces every few hours. Your supply should be meeting the demand of the child. You can adjust your supply by only pumping the amount that your child is drinking per sitting.


Answer by  mani (813)

You can pump every two hours or 8 to 10 time a day for about 15 minutes. At night take a break for 5 hours. Not stop pumping until the milk stop flowing or up to 2 ounces of milk is received. Pumping equally each 24 hours will be more effective.

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