


Question by  jjms2009 (2)

How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs?


Answer by  Hewitt302 (1720)

People are threatened by change. Europe and America are experiencing an influx of muslims and Arabs and that can create anxiety among native borns. I don't know about Orientalism in general, but prejudice of any kind needs to be examined and talked about, to prevent hate crimes against good individuals.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Orientalism is an over-idealization of Muslims and Arabs; the assumption that they are all rich from oil proceeds ignores the dire poverty of nations like Syria, Jordan, and Morocco. Prejudice due to those who blame all Muslims for terrorist acts like 9/11/2011, London Tunnel bombings and other attacks leads to innocent Muslims blamed for acts of a radical minority.

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