

Question by  kellyb (7)

How many teens die each day?


Answer by  statman (6)

In the United States, an average of 11 teenagers a day die in auto accidents while another 10 die as a result of gun violence.


Answer by  Asha73 (26)

Though I do not know the exact number of teens dying each day, I can say that the tendency of teen deaths is increasing. The main reasons being addiction to smoking, binge drinking, drug abuse, drunk driving causing accidents. Also the competition is so severe that it leads to anger and the urge to win resulting in hurting others/killings/suicides.


Answer by  Brett (7986)

This is an impossible question to answer, as more details need to be given. In the US? In the world? , etc.


Answer by  x5452 (158)

There isn't anything conclusive but in the US alone from car accidents it rounds out to about 11 per day, Now if you factor in averages you can assume it's somewhere between 30-100 per day in the US.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

In drunk driving accidents 8 teenagers die everyday. From homocide it is about 18 every day. Too many many would be the best answer.


Answer by  pagan23 (1342)

This is a very sad, morbid question. Thousands of teens die every day and it is impossible to tell exactly because we do not have every person documented who was ever born. Sometimes people disappear and we don't know what happens to them. Different cultures also count the years of life differently so a the definition of teen varies.

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