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Question by  musicmanhey (15)

How many people have climbed Mt. Kilamanjaro?

Is it more or less than Everest?


Answer by  Kath (1537)

About 43,000 people have climbed My Kilamanjaro, and we are still counting. This is the tallest free standing mountain in the world, with three volcanoes located there. 6-8 people have died while climbing, most of them from being careless. It is important to listen to the huides. Fees are charged for each day on the mountain.


Answer by  A3JQV3WPFGSULE (191)

Many more people have attempted to climb Mt. Kilamanjaro. Many more people have also died trying. It has become a popular tourist climb because of its reputation as an "easy climb." There are six hiking trails leading to each of the three peaks. Only 30% of climbers actually make it to the highest point, Uhuru Summit.


Answer by  joshua21218 (6)

In excess of 43,000 people have climbed upon Mt. Kilamanjaro. In comparison, approximately 2,700 people have climbed up Mt. Everest.

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