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Question by  tncrane (23)

How many eggs does a chicken lay?

I mean in a lifetime.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

It depends on the chicken. No one could give you a number and it would be accurate. Chickens don't lay eggs until they're at least six months old. When they do they don't lay a lot at first. Maybe 2 or 3 a week. When they're older they will lay one a day. After they get old they stop laying.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

This depends on how long the chicken lives, if its egg-laying is regular, and if it s allowed to raise any chicks. You need more information to figure this out.


Answer by  mahavin (589)

A hen can lay upto 7 eggs per day according to progressive farmer in South England. According to the breed it may vary


Answer by  sacredlrose (169)

A hen can lay about 900 eggs in its lifetime. A hen can lay one egg a day from the time that it becomes sexually mature. This can be as much as thirty times its body weight in eggs. That is rather a large amount of eggs for one chicken to lay.

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