human body


Question by  acornwell82 (32)

How many drinks does it take to get someone to .08 blood alcohol level?


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

Although there are many factors involved such as weight and speed with which the alcohol is consumed, three drinks are likely to get you there.


Answer by  PooBear (341)

Depends on their size. A 100 pound 5ft. tall person can blow. 08 on 1 drink. A 200pound 6 ft person can get away with more drinks.


Answer by  kiwee87 (141)

There are many different factors that determine this such as gender, weight, tolerance level, if one has eaten and proof levels of the alcohol that one drinks.


Answer by  LanDroid (75)

There is no simple answer as this depends on how much you weigh, if you have eaten, and how quickly you drink. Consult web sites for details.


Answer by  Gabriel (2146)

It really depends on your size, how fast your drinking and if your eating. But generally, about 3. 5 12oz beers, in one hour by a 100lbs person.

posted by Anonymous
this doesnt answer the question, but after work one night i went over to the bar cross the way, had a single beer 3 shots in about hour 1/2 blew. 13 at the county. Male 6\'1 175 lbs  add a comment

Answer by  Anonymous

it takes about 12 beers to blow a .08

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