

Question by  yntern (58)

How long does it take geckos to shed?


Answer by  GarrisonCarter (43)

Like all reptiles, geckos shed their skin. However, the frequency of their shedding depends on the age and growth rate of the gecko. Usually the gecko can shed its skin off easily, but may encounter problems if they do not have the proper humidity for shedding.


Answer by  jeneias (27)

It can take a gecko anywhere from a day to a week to shed it's skin, depending on how humid it is. First there is the shedding stage, then the gecko will begin to peel off the shed skin, which could take up to an hour.


Answer by  lmm30 (294)

Geckos can take up to a couple of months to shed as far as i know at least that is how long mine took.


Answer by  Mystwatcher (55)

Ideally, a gecko should shed within a day or two. If it is taking longer, attempt a small amount of warm water in his tank to create humidity.

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