


Question by  Strumpet (7)

How long do dried Morel mushrooms last?


Answer by  brrmrr (25)

They can last for up for a year if well-preserved - as in, kept in a place with low moisture, packed tightly (possibly an air-tight bag would be a good choice) and kept out of the sun. To reconstitute the dried mushrooms, place them in water for an hour. Good luck!


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

If a mushroom is dried and I mean fully dried and you want to store them you can do so in a cool dark place and they will last for a long time.


Answer by  hah35 (109)

They should last about 2 weeks. You can always freeze them if you want them to last a bit longer.


Answer by  Kath (1537)

Dried morels have almost an indefinite shelf life. Keeping them in an air tight container is the best way to store them. There are easily reconstituted in warm water or watm stock. Save the liquid to use as stock!


Answer by  riverwalker (1)

I found air tight container full of morels from 2 years ago are they still good?

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