

Question by  Ralphie1954 (420)

How long do chihuahuas stay pregnant?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

The gestation period for the average canine is 63 days, give/take- however chi's often have issues with pregnancy, and difficulty delivering, so I would consult with the vet.


Answer by  morella (79)

Pregnancy lasts approximately 63 days, but the due date can be about 1 week earlier or later. With large litters, it's usually shorter. With small litters, it's usually longer.


Answer by  lovelights (14)

Chihuahuas stay pregnant from 60 - 63 days from the date they conceive. You have to be very careful with Chihuahuas because they are so small and their birth canals are not very large. Stay with them when they are delivering, however, stay your distance, as to not disturb them.


Answer by  lolson39 (206)

Chihuahuas are pregnant for the same period of time as other dogs. The length of dog pregnancy is 90 to 120 days.


Answer by  chaos90 (14)

Pregnacy in normal dogs last from fifty eight to sixtysix days. The thing with chihuahuas is that they are smaller than normal dogs which would lead to the dogs pregnacy time to lower. Chihuahuas pregnacy lasts from 62-63 days pregnant or from 58 to 60 days and that may vary with the environment.


Answer by  HGS73 (27)

The gestational period for chihuahuas is typically 63 days. If you take the dogs rectal temperature about a week before the end of pregnancy the timing of birth and labor can be pinpointed. A dogs rectal temperature is between 100.5 and 102. Once the temperature has dropped labor is immenent.

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