birth control


Question by  busybee (29)

How effective is the Nuvaring?


Answer by  munkinmom (48)

According to the Food & Drug Administration, the Nuvaring is 99% effective against pregnancy when used correctly. The NuvaRing is fully effective 7 days after it is inserted into the vagina. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so it is strongly recommended that condoms still be used.


Answer by  monkeyz (3150)

With perfect use, the Nuvaring is 99.7% effective. That means that less than one woman out of a hundred will become pregnant with perfect use. For typical use, the rate falls to 92%.


Answer by  rebel10 (58)

Nuvaring is 99% effective when used correctly. The important part is the phrase 'when used correctly'. This is comparable to the combined hormonal pill's effectiveness.


Answer by  limabean45806 (52)

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the Nuvaring is known to be 99% effective in preventing pregnancy as long as the contraceptive is used according to the label instructions.


Answer by  JRossi17 (788)

Nuvaring, if put in correctly, is 99. 6% effective. You do have to make sure you go to your obgyn to make sure everything is ok on your normal checkups however incase it becomes dislodged or you run into other problems that might cause it not to work as effectivly as it should.

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