

Question by  JLH (4)

How does one break a doorknob?


Answer by  Erin1923 (33)

A doorknob can be broken by pulling the handle of it too hard, or maybe kicking it off. It can also jam so that it won't turn, or you can break it while trying to remove it with tools.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Door knobs are hard to break. If yours is broke, take a screw driver and remove the screws that hold the knob on. By removing the screws the knob and the round plate will come off. To put on a new knob, be sure that you get the same size and that the housing matches what you have taken out.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Either your super strong or its an old funky door nob. Hard to say how exactly, but I suggest working out!

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