weight loss


Question by  boohaa (31)

How does an Atkins fat fast work?


Answer by  mem4dr (1378)

Although there have been a lot of claims about why exactly the Atkins diet works, most scientists agree that the main factor in the weight loss produced by the Atkins fat fast is the decrease in calories consumed.


Answer by  Sarah475 (84)

Atkins is basically where you eat only protein like meats, eggs and fish. You don't eat vegetables, fruits, carbs or sugars. You will slowly add them into your diet later. For each meal you will only eat fatty foods like meats. You are allowed to eat at much meats as you like.


Answer by  Cheek (124)

Atkins works becuase it limits ones carb intake. Carbs (found in bread, crackers, potatoes) are used by the body for immediate fuel and without it your body will use the carbs stored in your body and begin to burn them in a process called ketosis.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

The Atkins diet is a diet where you do not eat grain foods, minimize your intake of fruits and vegetables, and maximize your intake of low carbohydrate foods, which basically means meats and condiments. You will lose weight by lowering your carb intake, but once you start eating again, the weight will come back fast and in excess.

posted by Anonymous
That is NOT how it works. Maybe do some actual research before you answer.  add a comment

Answer by  Rose (6804)

With Atkins you do not eat any carbs which turns to sugar in your body and then turns to fat. By reducing fat and sugar intake the protien from the meat is used for energy and not stored in your body. You lose weight.


Answer by  melon (250)

The only reason you lose weight on Atkins is because you eat less calories than you need. But it is detrimental for your health. Dr Atkins was obese when he died. A fresh raw fruit and vegetable feast is superior.


Answer by  kayers (281)

The Aktins diet works quickly. you will see weight loss within a few weeks. However, the Aktins diet is very unhealthy and the instant you go off of the diet, you gain the weight right back.

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