how does it work


Question by  damooksta (59)

How does a stun gun work?


Answer by  abc123567 (19)

Stun guns use electricity and high voltage to shock people. It is used by touching a person with the prongs of the stun gun. It affects the nervous system of whomever is stunned by it and this immobilizes them for a short period of time.


Answer by  JumboCow (217)

A stun gun works by taking electricity from a standard 9V battery and running it through many internal transformers. This causes the voltage of the electric current to increase to anything between 150,000-200,000 volts. The current has low amps and so it doesn't cause too much damage to the target. The electric current then interferes with the nervous system.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

The way a stun gun works is a larger pulsating jolt of energy is send through one contact ot the other. This caused the stunned person muscles to seize.

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