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how does it work


Question by  Sekiryu (47)

How does a sliding door bookcase work?

Does it lead to more bookcase or a secret passage?


Answer by  SimplyKnown (7)

Most sliding bookcases work on a track system, that has small wheels that roll in one direction or another to move the bookcase. In the movies they seem to be used a lot for secret passages. In real life they can be used to store medical charts and books.


Answer by  juanita57 (1374)

It works like any other bookcase. You push the door to one side wherever your book that you want is at. No I don't think it leads to no secret passage or any more of a bookcase.


Answer by  garymarkle (599)

It is a free standing book case that has glass doors on the front of it that slide, this protects your books from dust and dirt, the doors are glass so you can see into book case.


Answer by  y3636363 (1380)

No it leads to a book case. The sliding door usually has a secret passage. That usually is seen in the movies as well. That is how it works for sure.

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