health treatments


Question by  anonynurse (40)

How do you treat atrophy for an injection site?


Answer by  SallyJ (1010)

Atrophy of an injection site can be very troubling for the patient. However, it will self-correct if given time. Some patients report that massaging the affected area has improved the condition.


Answer by  Lynore (191)

Atrophy is when you do not use a muscle for a long time and it gets very stiff, if you've ever had a cast on any part of you that has a joint and doesn't move for 6-8 weeks your muscle will be atrophied from non use.


Answer by  cherry (102)

Atrophy on an injected site can best be cured by exercise. Application of a warm compress to increase the blood flow of the muscles will help in faciliatiting muscles. Afterwhich , strengtehning by use of bumbells, weights, or stretch cords can be used. Usually, atrophy can be gradually reversed after 2 weeks of intensive exercise.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

Normal saline infiltration is a safe treatment and seems to be well tolerated. It seems to work quickly and effectively. Normal volumes saline range from 5 to 20 cm3 are used per treatment session which can be from 3 to 6 weekly treatments. Most people are very satisfied with the results.

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