

Question by  douglaterhotmailcom (9)

How do you treat a dog's injured leg or paw?


Answer by  keiki (1376)

If your dog has an open wound, you need to make sure it is kept clean and doesn't get infected. Wrap it and try to keep the dog quiet.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Treatment of an injured dog depends on how bad it is injured. Since dogs can not speak, it is best to take them to the vet as soon as possible.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

If this is a VERY minor boo-boo, irrigate thoroughly, wash diligently with a mild soap, treat with a topical anti-biotic and bandage. I have found Bag Balm to be AWESOME, except your dog may like the taste and steal the box, lapping it up, which leads to diarrhea... If more than minor, see your vet for treatment and antibiotics.


Answer by  aussiegirl (711)

The first step would be to clean it, will he let you clip the area? make sure there is nothing embedded in the wound. superficial -bathe 2-3 times daily with saline. deep- it will need to be bandaged and kept dry, bathe then wrap and check in 2 days


Answer by  Isidro (624)

When my dogs leg broke we didn't have enough money to take it to the vet so we tide a peace of wood to the leg to keep it straight.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

You'll need to take it to the vet and have it checked out. the vet will be able to help the dog out. The vet will put it in a cast or what ever needs to be done to the dog to get it better. Ask your vet what needs to be done.

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