Can you help me with my problem, my kittens sleep in the litter box?
Can you tell me why my cat pees outside the litter box?
How do you litter train kittens?
Why do I have moths in my litter box?
Why is my cat always in the litter box trying to go?
Why would my cat all of a sudden quit using the litter box?
Why would my cat meow every time he goes in the litter box?
Question by Longwood (18)
She just goes anywhere!
Answer by eilrol (1431)
The best thing to do is place 2 or 3 litter boxes all over the house. When you see the kitten posturing himself/herself put the kitten in the box.
Answer by mammakat (11147)
Usually Mom teaches them. If not, you have to follow the protocol of litter box training. Do a quick Inet search, and then do the tedious process- she'll catch on.
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