


Question by  GerriRussell (23)

How do you tell if sweetmeat squash is ripe?


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

The color of the squash will lighten. Also , just feel the squash and see how the texture is. You will want the squash to feel less firm than the original condition that it was bought in. Be careful that it is not too soft because it may have gone bad then.


Answer by  Jenny25525 (708)

Well you can tell by the color. If the color is more brownish orange than you know that is very ripe.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

When squash is ripe, it will feel heavy for it's size, have a dull (not shiny) outer skin, and it may have spots that are lighter in color than the majority of the squash.


Answer by  cgrid76hotmailcom (545)

Thump it like you would do a watermelon.Should be a lower thud ratherr than a hifgher thug.Thump it right in the middle of the melon so you get a right hear.There really good fried .Stick yor finger nail in to it and check it that way .I use the thump test.

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