

Question by  wendyj (359)

How do you say "hello" in Russian?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

The informal is Pri-vet, with accent on the last syllable. zdras-tvooy-tyeh is a little more formal meaning "Be Healthy". Be aware that there are many ethnic groups in the former Soviet Union, including Ukraine and Georgia and the more eastern areas like Turkestan, etc, who have dialects of their own.


Answer by  calculator (88)

Здра́вствуйте means "Hello" in Russian. These are, of course, Cyrillic characters; a version in Latin characters would be "Zdrastvuyti. " It is pronounced zdrahv-stvooy-tyeh (stress on the first syllable). To be less formal, drop the last syllable, or instead say "privyet" (hi) to be even less formal.

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