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Question by  BrockBagley (19)

How do you remove body odor?

My friend says I'm stinky.


Answer by  partibreaker (87)

You need to take shower one-two times a day ( maybe and more if your lifestyle is dynamic and You sweat a lot). Also use a deodorant every time you can. If this doesn't help then consult with a doctor.


Answer by  Worksforme (467)

Start by making sure the odor is not coming from your clothes. Mix baking soda and water into a paste and spread under the arm pits of your shirt. Let dry 24 hours and the laundry. For your body look at what you are eating.


Answer by  Dina23 (53)

Wash with antibacterial soap daily. You can also try to use Gold Bond or some other powder to soak up odors and perspiration.

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