

Question by  Bob6479 (27)

How do you obtain tickets for the mass at the Vatican on Christmas eve?


Answer by  BlueLady (6)

Tickets to Christmas Eve mass at the Vatican are are difficult to get. They must be applied for through the U.S. Bishops Center for Visitors to the Vatican. The office can be reached by phone (0113906.690011), fax (0113906.679.1448) or email ( Because of the pEven though a request is received, tickets are not guaranteed


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

You can apply for tickets through the US Bishops Center for Visitors to the Vatican but it is incredibly hard and never guaranteed that you'll get a ticket. Christmastime is also a bad time to visit Rome because most families travel and so restaurants and shops are closed.


Answer by  salsafoodie (3146)

I am sure you will need to get on a waiting list, or you will need to talk to a travel agent and they can get you in event.

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