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Question by  Michele61 (24)

How do you make canned pickled eggs?

My husband loves these and I would like to make them myself.


Answer by  trudie1962 (1022)

My parents often made pickled eggs by reusing left-over pickle juice from jars of commercially-made pickles (sweet mixed pickles and pickled beets). Finish a jar of pickles, saving the juice. Hard boil some eggs, then peel. Submerge eggs in the juice. Refrigerate for one week. If you use the juice from pickled beets, the eggs will be pink!


Answer by  Huntress (1935)

I cannot give you all the instructions in 60 words or less because there are some strict rules you must adhere to when making pickled eggs so that you don't risk botulism. You can go to kuntzfamily. com/recipes for 2 great recipes that are delicious and that give you tips and tricks to making your pickled eggs safely.


Answer by  Vanasatchy (816)

First boil the egg nicely then cut it into six bits. Mix little chille, saffron powder and salt in gingerly oil and rub on the boiled egg pieces and fry it. This is done because the white and yellow of the egg will not be seperated. Fry musterd chilli powder salt add tamrind water and add fried eggs into it.

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