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Question by  Ozzy (44)

How do you maintain a fair complexion?

My mother used to have a fair complexion, but she doesn't still have it.


Answer by  JenniferJ (326)

To keep your fairness you should stay out of the sun and always use sunscreen. You should avoid alcohol and smoking and eat healthy foods. In addition you should always keep your skin moisturized and clean.


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

The best way to keep skin nice is not to tan, stay out of the sun. Invest in good sunscreen and use it 360 days out of year.


Answer by  jingles (142)

The best way to maintain a nice fair complexion is not to spend time in the sun tanning. Be sure to wear a sun block on your face and wear a hat to block sun rays. Another skin killer is cigarette smoking, which can yellow and dry. Be sure to eat fruits and veges and drink water to keep hydrated.

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