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Question by  dagdvm (41)

How do you get rid of house mice?


Answer by  gcmeyer2 (787)

This is simple. At any grocery or hardware store you can buy mouse traps. Put a bit of peanut butter on the trap and set it. Place the trap in a place where you know the mice are. Check the trap in the morning.


Answer by  granniek (24)

There are several types of traps that work really well for this. I like the plastic traps, because they are very easy to set. Also you can find wooden traps and glue traps. There is numerous poison baits also. Keep these out of reach of children or pets.


Answer by  willieman (25)

I set up mouse traps with peanut butter in any area I would see mouse poop. Find where there entering if there are any house vents in the attic or holes that need patching up to keep them away


Answer by  johnresa (2455)

It is very difficult to get rid of house mice but the best thing to do is buy a plug in that makes a noise only they can hear. They are available at the hardware store and they really work.


Answer by  BeefStrule (690)

This is a tricky problem. I've always found that if you put enough cheese outside of your house, they will eventually go for it. You need to catch them in the act.


Answer by  saturno (325)

Only you need to use a mice trap this method is very effective and easy and you can get the trap in a store

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