

Question by  talisa (137)

How do you figure out which deductible is best for you?

I don't know what I can afford either way.


Answer by  JustMeKC (341)

Its always best to take a look at how much cash You have on a hand in a normal week. $500 is normally manageable for most People.But $1000 Deductible will be more affordable monthly. Nationwide has a vanishing Deductible Program which may be perfect for you. You can call for a quote.


Answer by  Aggie (17)

Your deductible should be decided by the type of policy being purchased and your ability to afford the policy. A higher deductible will mean a lower annual premium. In a policy such as a homeowners policy, a higher deductible would not impact very heavily because most claims on a home are large in cost.

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