You can not DYE your hair blonde. You must BLEACH/Lighten/Strip you hair color out of your hair. When desired lightness, rinse, dry, then apply permanent or semi permanent "blonde" color
There is always the box method; however if your hair is really dark I would really recommend going in to a stylist and getting it professionally bleached and then colored to match the correct shade of blonde that you want.
I really love to use the product Sun In! Its a bleach for your hair and it really really works! All you do is spray the Sun In into your hair and then go into the sun and it strips your natural color out of your hair! I am not saying that this is the best thing for your hair!
You will have to get some hair bleach from the beauty supply then you have to get the mix to mix them together get a dye brush then place it on you hair where desired. thwen wash and dry
To be able to dye your hair blonde you have to bleach it. If your hair is dark it may take several times before your hair turns blonde like you want it to. You may also have to tone your hair with green to make it take better.