
 how to  math


Question by  katrescuer (431)

How do you determine percentage?

I never learned this in math.


Answer by  unni (259)

It is very simple. for example if you want the five percentage of thousand , we can calculate by this method. that is 1000*5/100 that is equal to 50. therefore 5 percentage of thousand is fifty.


Answer by  alz (2329)

If you know the part and the whole, you're able to find the percentage. In order to do it, you set up a proportion. The proportion is: Part/Whole=Percentage/100. Therefore, you fill in what you know. For example, if you want to find out what percent 48 is of 70, do: 48/70 = X/100. Then cross-multiply: (48 x 100)/70 = percentage.


Answer by  Fresh (11)

A one percentage is the hundredth part of something multiplied by one hundred. Thus the "A" percentage of something is A*100/something (e. g. 60 percent of 200 = 60*100/200)

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