Window>Brush-Libraries select "Artistic Ink". palette appears; select pen.set your "fill" area to empty select a color, draw a line Then, with line still selected, click-a texture on "artistic ink" palette
There are two methods to create an ink splatter. In first method, brush libraries menu used to create it. In second method we use as follows Window-Symbol libraries- Artistic textures.
To create an ink splatter in "Illustrator" go to 'Artistic Textures' where a new palette will open. On that palette there will be various effects, some of them are ink splatters. Simply pick the splatter you want to apply and then drag it to the area of your choosing.
To be honest, I have never used Illustrator in my life, but with the little knowleadge that I have I would say select ink splatter and start splatten away on the page.