how to


Question by  angusf150 (48)

How do you convert micrograms to milligrams?


Answer by  MathGeek77 (19)

A microgram is 1/1000 of a milligram, so to convert micrograms to millgrams, divide by 1000. To convert the other way, multiply millgrams by 1000 to get micrograms. For example, if something weighs 100 milligrams, it is 100/1000 or 1/10th of a milligram. If you have 10 milligrams, that is 10,000 micrograms.


Answer by  UpwardBoundPrecalcTutor (128)

micrograms are millionths of grams. Milligrams are thousandths ofgrams. x micrograms equals x divided by onethousand equals x/1000 milligrams. Thus one divides by 1000 to convert mcg to mg.

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