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 how to


Question by  Carolyn (30)

How do you convert GBP to INR?


Answer by  BillSmith (55)

The current exchange rate is 1GBP= just over 73INR. These rates can fluctuate, sometimes wildly, so I recommend finding an exchange rate resource at the time of conversion.


Answer by  kazmooth (197)

To convert GBP to INR , consider current USD to GBP: 1USD is to 0.63883gbp and usd to inr: 1usd is to 45.5328inr. Therefore 0.63883GBP is to 45.5328inr. To get INR value of 1.0000GBP, divide 45.5328inr by 0.63883GBP, so you get 71.2752 INR for 1.0000 gbp.

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