Can you take benadryl while on birth control?
How do I control a five year old whom exhibits bad behavior at home and with others?
If I have quit using birth control and have not had a period in some time could I be pregnant?
What day will your period start in the month of April when you are on 28 day pack of birth control?
What kind of affect with birth control have on a hypothyroid?
When should you take birth control?
Who controls the world?
emotions how to
Question by VBelladonnaV (21)
Answer by MelvinVanhorn (826)
Focus on what you are saying or doing. Try to be fully in control of your actions. Take stock of what you are feeling, and why.
Answer by hollowman (81)
when you get to the stage you feel angry, try to concentrate on something completely different, then try to take a few deep breaths
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