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car repairs


Question by  tynett (23)

How do you change the wiper blades on a GMC Sierra?

I want to do it my self and not pay someone to do it.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

Changing wiper blades on any vehicle is simple. They slide off pretty easily, and are self explanaory. There also may be directions on the box of your new wiper blades.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Typically the blades will simply slide off the arms. Try pushing it down to release the clip and then sliding it off.


Answer by  Atomicrayon (2504)

It's a pretty strait forward process assuming you have the proper model of the wipers you need. There are "screws" on the wipers that can be twisted off with your fingers. Simply twist them off and twist the new wipers on.


Answer by  JCW (233)

Wiper blades are very simple, and instructions on the packaging is usually self explanatory. How the wipers attach the arms vary by model, so you may need to look online for an idea how yours works. It should only take about a minute a side to change.


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Typically you remove the old wipers by lifting a tab and pulling the blade toward you. Then you slide on the new blade assembly and clip it onto the arm.


Answer by  mdjames2621 (19)

Remove the old blades, the store should be able to give you the new size. The packaging comes with instructions. Just clip on the new ones based on the diagram.


Answer by  chrislexus101 (75)

First move the wiper blade in an upright position. Second push the blade down until the blade releases. Third remove the blade and replace the blade. Repeat the same process in reverse order. Push the wiper blade back in to the wiper and connect it to the base of the wiper.

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