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Question by  Paul55 (23)

How do you care for snapping turtles and not get snapped?


Answer by  Sidhe (8)

You should wear sturdy leather gloves, and should always try to handle the snapping turtle from behind so as to be out of reach of their head. If you need to handle the turtle's head, such as for feeding, try using a pole to stay out of reach.


Answer by  AlanNadaskay (63)

Snapping turtles can be very aggressive yet intelligent creatures by not putting your hand or fingers near their mouths is a good start in not getting snapped by them, also by grabbing them from the back rather than the front helps.


Answer by  krisnair84 (211)

You do not play with them by putting your fingers under their mouth. Also, you must ensure that while transferring them or cleaning out their tanks, you hold them by the shell.


Answer by  margiep (422)

First and foremost keep your hands and extremities away from the mouth of the turtle. If it is injured and you have to get near the mouth, try to clamp its mouth shut with electrical tape.

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