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Question by  Phil (103)

How do you break up with your fiance?

I know it will be hard but I have got to do it.


Answer by  HairDiva (61)

You need to be clear and concise about your feelings and thoroughly communicate to your partner the specific reasons as to you why you believe that parting ways is the best decision. Try to be honest and not rude. To avoid awkward confrontation, I suggest having this meeting somewhere outside of your home.


Answer by  benstac (1928)

Do it in a neutral location and preferably in person. Because you are so far in the relationship, it is best to be honest to him about why you are ending it because both parties have invested a significant amount of time in the relationship.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Do it in person. It's hard but doing it any other way is just rude. Tell him/her the reason you're breaking up with them. Don't say; "It's not you, It's me" unless you're the reason why you're breaking up. Lies hurt more.

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