

Question by  anishnc (17)

How do Mexican men treat their women?


Answer by  Shelby (147)

It all depends on the individual themselves. It should have nothing to do with their race, although others might say different. Some mexican men beat their women, some treasure and would never do such a thing.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

From my own life I have found them to be very demanding. They want their women to stay home and take care of the home and children

posted by Anonymous
I think men of all races would like this. My husband is from Mexico and I didn't get my college degree until after we were married and he has always supported me in everything I do.  add a comment

Answer by  Sett (1838)

I think they are very protective of their women, and loving. They are very family oriented so they like their women to be close with their family also.


Answer by  Anonymous

I was born in Mexico but have lived in the US all my life my husband was born an raised in Mexico he is kind and hard working we have been married for 22 yrs and he still takes my breath away.

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