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Question by  vijetha (104)

How do I tell if my tongue is infected?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

If your tongue is swollen, discharging, displaying spots, or painful, you may have an infection. Small injuries or minor topical infections can be assuaged with salt water lavage, dilute boric acid, or even judicious application of alum. However, infection in your mouth can be serious, and you really need to see a doctor.


Answer by  Dyal (21)

Your tongue has an infection or malfunction if it is sore, discolored, or has a thicker white coating on it and expecially if the coating is in a lattice pattern.


Answer by  TMATM (499)

Swelling, puss or a yellow discoloration are signs of a tongue infection. This usually occurs when you get your tongue pierced or if you bite it and cause a cut. There are lots of germs in the mouth which make it easy for a cut tongue to get infected.


Answer by  TMyers (1084)

If there is a lot of puss, blood, and/or swelling after the first week or so, go back to the person that pierced it or go to the doctor to find out for sure. Many of the signs of infection are also seen during the healing process so it is very difficult to tell for sure on your own.

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