human body


Question by  garrette (14)

How do I improve my lower back flexibility?


Answer by  vto (226)

The best way to improve lower back flexibility is to stretch a lot. laying on the floor with your legs straight, trying to touch your toes. You can also put your legs out to the side and stretch from toes to toes.


Answer by  VanillaTwilight (281)

Yoga has some great lower back exercises!! For starters, Try Bow, Camel, Fish, Cobra, and Bridge poses along with cat and cow stretches. Knee Down Twist pose cracks my sciatica in the same way my chiropractor did for me, so I no longer see the chiropractor. :)


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Daily stretching is required to improve lower back flexibility. Stretch about 15 minutes a day. If your back is weak, then you should consider implementing yoga into your schedule, which will facilitate stretching and improve your flexibility drastically.


Answer by  jonathonprakob (9)

Everyday , you should stretch and your back will start to ease and be more flexible. Also sleep straight or ouch1


Answer by  allisenxx (0)

Stretch at least once a day or more depending on your goals and the reason you are trying to develop flexibility - Everyday you don't stretch the area it will lose flexibility (think use it or lose it)

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