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Question by  Ferrant (69)

How do I go about researching silver markings?


Answer by  carol (1241)

There are several Internet websites where you can find this information. Just do a search on any search engine for silver hallmarks.


Answer by  fesdre (655)

I would start off my searching silver marking through a Yahoo! search. If what you want to know is not there, then try Google. If it is not on either of those try ask, or Bing.


Answer by  dough (326)

For researching silver markings. On the internet there are alot of informative websites that offer all information regarding stamps markings,also the value of silver year it was made. Other information available.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

To find out about silver markings I would suggest going to the library. You can also find a wealth of knowledge online about silver. I have even noticed there are silver forums online.

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