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Question by  Anonymous

how do i get girls?


Answer by  shanedunn138 (22)

A girl wants a guy who likes himself and his life, and If you want to attract your ideal woman, look like you're having fun. If a woman thinks you're enjoying life, she'll be drawn to you, because she thinks her life will be more enjoyable with you in it.


Answer by  SriLanka (264)

Meeting girls can be a little counterintuitive. if you overfocus on it as a project, you are likely to fail. Focus on your own stuff, your passions, your hobbies and get really good. people are generally attracted to others that are passionate and successful at what matters to them.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

You get girls by being outgoing and witty. It doesn't matter what type of girl you are interested in. If you are outgoing, clever and show interest in her she will fall for you. I have never known a guy with these qualities who has had a problem getting girls.


Answer by  John (9008)

The most important thing in getting a girl is to have confidence. You must be willing to speak to women and not be nervous. Also, you have to present yourself as being interesting and polite. Don't just stare and stutter at women that you find attractive; look her in the eyes and try to make her laugh.


Answer by  missdorkness (48)

The first thing to take note of, is body language. You have to judge by posture if she wants you to talk to her. Also, you can't be arrogant, that's a real turn off for women. Just be yourself, she'll be able to tell if you're acting. Also, lean forward to show you're listening.

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