How can I fix a root problem with my palm tree?
How can I fix a sink which drains very slowly?
How can I fix a squeaky car window?
How do I fix a "dhgbo.dll" error?
How do I fix a motion detector when the flood lights tays on during the daylight hours?
How do I fix an electrical problem with my car's dash lights?
How would I fix the transmission on my 1990 Plymouth Grand Voyager?
car repairs how to
Question by LGirl (56)
Answer by 6ixk (1156)
Its a relay in the hood under the fuse component box. Check them, one of them will be blow and touching.
Answer by Samhane (703)
If you are dealing with the factory alarm I would recommend taking it to the dealer as it is almost impossible to identify the correct wiring.
Answer by DrFeelGood (259)
It's probably a battery issue, or the cable has gotten loose. Try replacing the fuse, and if that fails check the electronics board.
Answer by CELH (298)
If it is an interior security problem you could put a dog in the car, or mousetraps on the seat. Or put a cop sticker on it.
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